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Red's Interview

The perspective of a younger generation

What is your role in this family?


In this family, I am a sibling, a cousin, and I guess like an aunt or an uncle. I’m unsure of what the gender-neutral term would be for that relationship.  


What is your connection like with the other people in your family? 


It's ok. I’m not around as often as everyone might want me to be. 


What is your definition of kinship? Would you describe your family as kin?


I believe kin is anyone you care about, just people who love each other. They don’t have to be related of course. Even if I don’t see them often I would still consider my family to be kin.


What do you typically do when your family meets?


Most of the time the whole family will only get together around holidays, or if something big happens. I would usually talk with family members, and just say hi to whoever I can.  


Do you speak more than one language? For the languages you do speak are you fluent?


I can speak a little bit of Spanish, but I’m not fluent. 


Do members of your family speak a different language you aren’t fluent in?


Yeah, my family is Mexican so most of my family can speak Spanish and English.


Could you describe one of the most challenging communication experiences (related to language) within your family and explain how you dealt with it?


Before my grandma passed away, we would see her at every family get-together. I wish it wasn’t, but talking with her and my grandpa always got awkward. It’s hard to talk to someone who doesn’t understand you. Those moments were always tough. Not being included in other family conversations kind of applies too. I always felt so confused or lost when everyone just suddenly starts speaking Spanish. I can pick up a word or two here and there but not enough to make the conversation make sense.  

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